Kritya Foundation

Time & Location
Sep 06, 2023, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Online via Zoom
About the event
Wed, Sep 6, 2023 - Fri, Jan 19, 2024
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6:30 - 8 PM EST
1 / New & Beginner Students - Wednesdays & Fridays Beginner students will be introduced to basic principles of body placement and mechanics within the Kuchipudi dance form, as well as exercises to increase stamina and flexibility. Basic steps will be introduced (or continued depending on student level) and completed within the course of the semester. Importance will also be placed on learning of the Natya Shastra slokas that dictate the primary principles of all Classical dance forms.
2 / Intermediate Students - Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays Along with finishing all Jathis arranged by Dr. Chinnasatyam (Khandam: 5, Misram: 7, & Sankeernam: 9) we will also be focusing on the Abhinaya or facial expression aspect of Kuchipudi to enhance the students' stage presence. We will be learning a new Choreography by Yamini, while revising some of the choreographies we have already learnt. Focus on choreography technique and athleticism will help the student progress in their overall quality of performance.
Various class pricing options. All details here: https://www.krityafoundation.org/the-school